TriCCS Exposure Time Calculator

TriCCS Exposure Time Calculator

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observing wavelength [Å]
integral range (e.g., spectral resolution) [Å]
Object Flux
object magnitude [AB mag]
object flux in the wavelength range [erg cm-2 s-1]
seeing (or FWHM of target)
Observation Settings
exposure time of a frame [sec]
number of frames
CMOS gain (4 for exp_time ≥ 5 sec. 8 for 1 ≤ exp_time ≤ 5 sec.)
Sky Condition
sky background brightness [AB mag]
[erg cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 Å-1]
1 / cos(90° - Elevation)
For Experts
optics throughput (including atmosphere and telescope) [%] (cf. see throughput@20231017)
object flux fraction in aperture
(Gaussian 3-sigma for point source)
Atmosphere Extinction (extinction curve) [mag/airmass]
Extinction rate [%] : Extinction * ( Airmass - 1 )
number of extract pixels [pixel]
readout noise [e- / pixel]
dark current [e- s-1 pixel-1]
wavelength-pixel scale [Å]
M1 radius [cm]
M1 shaded radius by M2 [cm]


total exp time S/N total signal [e-] total noise [e-] object photon noise [e-] sky photon noise [e-] readout noise [e-]